This is the story of the women who put their lives on the line for Irish freedom. They were not only the nurses, cooks, and couriers, but also gunrunners, sharpshooters, and organizers. Many who barely received mention in mainstream histories are fully revealed here both in their own words and by those who witnessed their incredible courage and leadership. Over 250 women took part in the Irish Rising,
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This is the story of the women who put their lives on the line for Irish freedom. They were not only the nurses, cooks, and couriers, but also gunrunners, sharpshooters, and organizers. Many who barely received mention in mainstream histories are fully revealed here both in their own words and by those who witnessed their incredible courage and leadership. Over 250 women took part in the Irish Rising, more than 70 were imprisoned, and one was sentenced to death by the British. The struggle was initially betrayed by a conservatiove government which compromised their rights to equality, but women were finally vindicated in recent years. Now the fight for distributive justice and the unity of the entire nation, original goals of the Easter Rising, have passed to the present generation.
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W naszej podkategorii 543543 znajdziesz szeroki wybór produktów, które pomogą Ci zadbać o swoje wygodne życie. Dzięki nim poczujesz ulgę i odpoczniesz po długim dniu pracy. Nasze artykuły są starannie wyselekcjonowane, aby spełnić oczekiwania nawet najbardziej wymagających klientów.
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Zamów już dziś nasze produkty z podkategorii 543543 i poczuj różnicę w swoim codziennym życiu! Jesteśmy pewni, że nasze artykuły spełnią Twoje oczekiwania i zapewnią Ci maksymalny komfort. Zadbaj o swoje ciało i umysł dzięki naszym produktom!