Myth module E2, The Hall of Ettin Terror, is an Adventure Module for MYFAROG by Varg Vikernes. The Hall of Ettin Terror is a Myth Module for Mythic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. The Hall of Ettin Terror is a Myth Module for Mythic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. This Myth encourages the player characters to participate in a High Festival, which is one of the uniquely pro-European Pagan elements that separates
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Myth module E2, The Hall of Ettin Terror, is an Adventure Module for MYFAROG by Varg Vikernes. The Hall of Ettin Terror is a Myth Module for Mythic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. The Hall of Ettin Terror is a Myth Module for Mythic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. This Myth encourages the player characters to participate in a High Festival, which is one of the uniquely pro-European Pagan elements that separates MYFAROG from other traditional paper-pencil-dice RPG games. This Myth Module begins in the village of Spirit Cove in Erulia on the day of the Summer Solstice High Festival and the birthdays of the deities Frauj n and SuwilaR. During the entirety of the High Festival, many of the local Maenads play key roles in the rituals in particular the youngest Maenad, whose name is Erika. If one of the players wishes, he could play this Myth as Erika the Maenad. In such a scenario, it would be a good for the player to have good knowledge of the proceedings of the Summer Solstice these can be found in the 'High Festivals' section of the MYFAROG rulebook. After taking the part in the High Festival, the Adventure Party hereby just abbreviated to AP are asked to investigate the killing of a rural scout in a hillside village to the south called Lindon. Rumours of dreaded Ettin Phenomena bring fear to the hearts of the locals, as the second rural scout, who barely survived, brings home news of the alien creatures. There is a farm to the south of Spirit Cove which should provide a good starting point for investigation. Aside from the Random Encounters in The Land of Thul that the AP may face as they travel, they may run into Gardeners and Khemetian Merchants, who may change the course of destiny of this Myth in vastly different ways. Time is also of the essence, thus if the AP loiter for too long whilst carrying out errands and tasks, irreversible consequences may be brought forth later on. The village of Lindon has been wrought with strife and trouble ever since the Golden Hall
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