pThis handbook supports the identification of inappropriate work design in manual materials handling and thus the prevention of overloading the body and of the development of health disorders. The approach at hand, iThei iDortmund Lumbar Load Atlas, i is focussed exclusively on biomechanical aspects of loading, overload criteria and signs of overloading in the form of verifiable low-back diseases due
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pThis handbook supports the identification of inappropriate work design in manual materials handling and thus the prevention of overloading the body and of the development of health disorders. The approach at hand, iThei iDortmund Lumbar Load Atlas, i is focussed exclusively on biomechanical aspects of loading, overload criteria and signs of overloading in the form of verifiable low-back diseases due its strikingly frequently affectedness.p pManual materials handling is understood to be the holding, lifting or lowering, pulling or pushing as well as carrying of load objects and thus the application of forces mostly with one or both hands on the item handled. Due to the biomechanical similarity, special handling tasks are also addressed, such as shoveling bulk material, transporting goods via wheelbarrow and moving people manually in the care sector.p pThe book aims to promote interest in biomechanical approaches and provides information to all persons involved in the design, evaluation and redesign of manual materials handling, e.g. ergonomists, occupational physicians, orthopaedists, employers or researchers, lecturers and students. This handbook enables analysis of manual materials handlings regarding potential lumbar overload and contains the following pppullia comprehensive collection of data on lumbar load in typical manual materials handling activities--a load register on interbranch activities, lilisynopses of previously analysed biomechanically challenging occupational activities--a load register on branch-specific activities, liliexplanations of the methodological approach to predicting moments and forces as well as their components in relation to the lumbar spine via biomechanical modelling andlilicriteria for the evaluation of load data with regard to potential lumbar overloading during single operations, working shifts and the entire occupational life.liulpp pp pp pThe new recommend
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W naszej podkategorii 543543 znajdziesz szeroki wybór produktów, które pomogą Ci zadbać o swoje wygodne życie. Dzięki nim poczujesz ulgę i odpoczniesz po długim dniu pracy. Nasze artykuły są starannie wyselekcjonowane, aby spełnić oczekiwania nawet najbardziej wymagających klientów.
W naszej ofercie znajdziesz ergonomiczne fotele biurowe, które zapewnią Ci odpowiednie podparcie pleców podczas pracy, a także stoliki do laptopa, które umożliwią Ci wygodne korzystanie z komputera nawet będąc w pozycji leżącej. Dodatkowo oferujemy także poduszki ortopedyczne, które pomogą Ci w walce z bólami kręgosłupa oraz akcesoria do masażu, które zapewnią Ci relaks i odprężenie.
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