Benedict Cumberbatch and Rebecca Hall star in this five-part drama series set towards the end of the Edwardian era. The programme follows aristocrat Christopher Tietjens Cumberbatch as he marries the destructive Sylvia Hall despite being uncertain about whether the child she is pregnant with is his. He is determined to be faithful regardless of Sylvia's dalliances with other men but his resolve falters
Specyfikacja produktu
Benedict Cumberbatch and Rebecca Hall star in this five-part drama series set towards the end of the Edwardian era. The programme follows aristocrat Christopher Tietjens Cumberbatch as he marries the destructive Sylvia Hall despite being uncertain about whether the child she is pregnant with is his. He is determined to be faithful regardless of Sylvia's dalliances with other men but his resolve falters when he meets beautiful suffragette Valentine Wannop Adelaide Clemens. As the First World War approaches Christopher's life only becomes more complicated.
DVD - Podkategoria
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