All 23 episodes of the animated fantasy adventure. The domed city of Romd is an impenetrable would-be Utopia where humans and robots co-exist, and everything is under complete government control - or so it appears. While working on a mysterious murder case, Re-l Mayer voice of Rie Saitou, a female detective from the Civilian Intelligence Office, receives a foreboding message that something is going to awaken. That night, she's attacked by a deformed super-being. What was this unidentified monster that attacked her, and who was the figure that came between them As Re-l attempts to unlock this spiralling mystery, a metaphysical battle cry leads her to the unknown outside world. The episodes are 'Awakening', 'Confession', 'Mazecity', 'Futu-Risk', 'Twilight', 'Domecoming', 'RE-L124C41', 'Shining Sign', 'Angel's Share', 'Cytotropism', 'Anamnesis', 'Hideout', 'Wrong Way Home', 'Ophelia', 'Who Wants to Be in Jeopardy', 'Busy Doing Nothing', 'Terra Incognita', 'Life After God', 'Eternal Smile', 'Goodbye, Vincent', 'Shampoo Planet', 'Bilbul' and 'Deus Ex Machina'.